
Обновляет дополнительные флаги, установленные для типа карточки.


POST /DocsVision/StorageServer/StorageServerService.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <CardTypeSetOptions xmlns="">

Идентификатор пользовательской сессии


Идентификатор типа карточки


Дополнительные флаги. Значение может быть получено сложением:

  • 0 — Not specified.

  • 1 — Card is a dictionary (only one instance allowed at all).

  • 2 — Card instance cannot be created directly.

  • 4 — Card instances cannot be displayed in views.

  • 8 — Card instances cannot be found by search.

  • 0x10 — Card instance can be open from another card by link.

  • 0x20 — Card would not be automatically locked while opening by user (developer have to manage locks by himself).

  • 0x40 — Specific card type to implement Navigator extensions.

  • 0x80 — Hard shortcut would not be created automatically while creating a new card instance in a folder.

  • 0x100 — Specific card type which stores information about folders.

  • 0x200 — Card instances cannot be marked as unread.

  • 0x400 — Card instances can be copyed.

  • 0x800 — Specifies whether a server should store own security descriptors for card sections and rows, or not.

  • 0x1000 — Card instances can be marked as templates.

  • 0x2000 — Card instances cannot be deleted directly.

  • 0x4000 — Specifies whether card instances can be opened in selection mode (specific to dictionaries).

  • 0x8000 — Card instances cannot be exported to XML.

  • 0x10000 — Card creation can be denied by administrator.

  • 0x20000 — Card deletion can be denied by administrator.

  • 0x1000000 — Card instances cannot be archived.

  • 0x2000000 — Card instances cannot be replicated to another database.

  • 0x4000000 — Only instances marked as templates can be replicated to another database.

  • 0x8000000 — Determines whether card type is marked for replication.

  • 0x10000000 — Card provide method to get timestamp info for optimizing client cache update.

  • 0x20000000 — Try to use server extension while access check.

  • 0x40000000 — Caching on disk is restricted.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <CardTypeSetOptionsResponse xmlns="">